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Western Conference Finals Info!


The NHRA Right Trailers Western Conference Finals schedule has been set, and it looks AMAZING! So. Much. Racing. And did we mention Wallys?!?! You definitely want to make plans to join us for the last Conference Finals on Thunder Mountain, Bandimere Speedway! Contact your NHRA Member Track to join its team or sign up for the Wally Parks Team here:

Want a higher-resolution version of the schedule page to print? You can find a PDF version here:

Track Team Roster Registration:Each NHRA member track can send an unlimited number of teams of 10 drivers each. Each track does not have to send a full team(s). A track may send as few as one driver, and the last team you put together does not have to be full For example, if a track has 16 drivers who have committed to attend as part of their team, the track’s first team would include 10 drivers, and the second would include six drivers. All drivers on individual track teams will race one another when it is no longer possible to keep them separated. Rosters will be posted online – link will be shared when it is live. Deadline for Track Team Roster to be printed in Event Program: Thursday, June 1st, 2023 Deadline for Track Team Roster Submission or Edit: Monday, June 12th, 2023Member Track Team Roster Sign-UpIndividual Racer Registration & Ticketing

Participant Eligibility:

  • All active licensed NHRA Summit Jr Drag Racing League Members are eligible to participate.

  • Competitors may participate in one or both conference finals events.

  • Participant must be included on a Member Track Team or Wally Parks Team Roster prior to the deadline, Monday June 12th, 2023

Track Team Championship: S

  • Only NHRA Member Tracks from Divisions 1, 2 and 3 are eligible to submit TRACK TEAM rosters for the Eastern Conference Finals.

  • Only NHRA Member Tracks from Divisions 4, 5, 6, and 7 are eligible to submit TRACK TEAM rosters for the Western Conference Finals.

  • To be eligible for a TRACK TEAM roster, a competitor must have participated in a minimum of two Summit Jr Drag Racing League Series events at that member track since A) the completion of the 2022 Conference Finals events and B) prior to opening day of the 2023 Conference Finals event. Tracks found to be in violation of this requirement may lose all points earned for all track teams submitted and may be subject to additional penalties.

Age Group Breakdown:Driver may race in Age Group that matches age on Jan. 1 of the year in which this event is being held OR driver may race in the Age Group that matches age on the first scheduled day of this meet.

Age groups at the event are 6-9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16-17, and Jr Comp. DRIVERS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO CHANGE AGE GROUPS AFTER ONLINE TECH CARD HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY NHRA. No driver may participate at this event who is younger than 6 years old at the time of the event or whose 18th birthday was prior to Jan. 1 of the year in which this event is being held.

All drivers entered in the 6-9 Age Group must dial 11.90 or slower; those 6-7 are restricted to 13.90 seconds or slower. All drivers entered in the 10, 11, and 12 Age Groups must adhere to 8.90 elapsed time rule. All drivers entered in the 13, 14, 15, and 16-17 Age Groups must adhere to the 7.90 elapsed time rule. Any competitor running quicker than 7.50 E.T. in the eighth-mile or 4.10 E.T. in 330 feet or faster than 85.00 mph at any time during eliminations will be disqualified from the event. Any competitor running quicker than 7.50 E.T. in the eighth-mile or 4.00 E.T. in 330 feet or faster than 89.99 mph at any time during time trials or qualifying will be disqualified from the event and will be subject to additional disciplinary action in the sole and absolute discretion of NHRA.Licensing:

  • Due to medical certification requirements, we cannot process NHRA Jr. Drag Racing licenses on-site, so please make sure your racers are up to date on their license. Licensing application packets are available online at

  • For additional information on licensing or technical specifications or forms, please contact your division staff, the contacts listed below.

Wally Parks Team Roster Registration: (no track eligibility)While we always celebrate winning the Conference Finals events and representing your home track, attending the events is also about building friendships and relationships with fellow Summit Jr Drag Racing League families from all across the country and, in some cases, around the world. But we want all Summit Jr Drag Racing League members to have the whole experience of attending the conference finals events and being a part of the team atmosphere.

  • Jr Drag Racing League licensed competitors will still be eligible to participate in the conference finals events without being on a Track Team Championship roster.

  • Competitors that did not qualify to be on an NHRA Member Track team roster will not be eligible to win the TRACK TEAM championship and trophies related to the team championship.

These competitors will be placed on a non-points earning team with team code “WP” for “Wally Parks” and encouraged to participate in all other team-related activities during the week. Deadline for Track Team Roster Submission or Edit: Monday, June 12th, 2023Wally Parks Team Roster Signup – Individuals without Track Team EligibilityMember Track programs are critical to the growth of NHRA Championship Drag Racing. The continued growth of youth in our sport directly reflects your efforts, and we sincerely thank you. We look forward to seeing you at the track soon!

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